About us

Where we come from, where we are at, and where we are going to.


I am Fabian Moreno. I was raised in South-America, by a Catholic mother and a radical atheist father. I came to faith in Jesus at age 14, and lived the gospel organically (spontaneous but intentional, studying the Word, having fellowship with others, evangelizing and meeting at homes), until we became a church under a Dutch denomination in 1997. I served the Lord there for 14 years, and it was there where I met my wife. We later moved to Europe and served 5 more years in our mother church in The Netherlands. Then God called us to do something totally different. We had about a year on our own, and after that we worked with Torben Sondergaard and The Last Reformation for about three years. Under God’s direction, we were able to open the Dutch Pioneer Training school for TLR, and I have traveled a lot giving seminars, helping and coaching churches and new communities. Since 2018 I am working on serving the Kingdom planting, strengthening, and equipping communities of disciples worldwide.

What are we
focusing on now?

Since March 2018 we have been intensely working on discipleship, serving brothers and sisters by deepening their roots in the Word of God and bringing them to a level of fruitfulness and maturity.  As a part of this service we have been establishing also house groups, seeing beautiful deep-rooted changes in the lives of many people around us. 

At the same time I have been traveling to minister to individuals and communities in other cities and countries, bringing with me some of the brothers and sisters we are serving. Besides that, we keep online contact with other families, individuals and groups that live far away and need a disciple maker next to them.

Furthermore, we have had the honor to see younger brothers and sisters bear their own fruit and be used by God. Some of them have planted new groups or are actively discipling new brothers and sisters. Also some of them have received a vision of God to set up some projects to reach out to others, and to bring all the disciples in our area together. One of those is, for example, the Jesus Cafe in our city, led by a great brother in our network.

These among many other things keep us busy, and we are very grateful that the Lord can use us this way for His Kingdom.

Our goal.

This website has been set up to equip you for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12-15). Our dream is that every Christian we disciple or coach will turn into an effective disciple-maker, making disciples of Jesus with power in the Spirit and character. This includes the planting of churches, communities, spiritual families, and also the sending of those who are fully trained, and letting each brother and sister find their place in the Body as a functional and nourished member. We expect this website to greatly contribute to that goal!