The money you consider giving will be seen as God-given money for the work of His Kingdom, which is why it is very important for us to keep things as transparent as possible. With that in mind, we would like to inform you about the three main destinations of each donation.
- The workers behind this ministry. The Bible says that the worker is worth its wages, so using people’s skills for free will be avoided as much as possible. Keeping all the information updated, the site running well, and the work of the ministry itself, are full-time tasks that demand a lot of work and attention. We would like to honor the volunteer work of those involved in it.
- The traveling costs when going to communities that can’t afford bringing us there. We never sleep at hotels, or use expensive equipment. We want to sleep at their houses and eat at their tables. To experience life as those we aim to serve is vital if we want to train them well.
- The poor. This means to people whose needs we have personally seen, and whose lives have shown not to be lazy. We strongly believe that this is something that we as church are commanded to do, as much individually as collectively.